DWIN (14), a sweet looking bespectacled boy,
gives a panicked glance up at the flickering bulb,
"There it goes again."
Addison whispers,
"That’s Dwin. He wants only
to be a good boy."
HIGGS (33) gets to his feet
and looks straight into the webcam.
Addison continues, "That is our unruly and
headstrong Higgs. Higgs is some sort of physicist.
Well, he was, until recently. Presently, he is on leave."
Higgs gives a faux demented smile and waves to the camera.
Addison chuckles and adds, "Obviously, it is a well
needed leave of absence."
Higgs gives a faux demented smile and waves to the camera.
Addison chuckles and adds, "Obviously, it is a well
needed leave of absence."